Week 2 Post

Reading “Getting Started: The Basic Technologies Behind the Web” was a good way to get myself into the mode of thinking about technology.  What I found to be most interesting was when Cohen and Rosenzweig said that when working with and studying the internet, people tend to focus too much on the technology and not enough on the broader picture and what the technology is used for.  They say that focussing too much on the technology is both “daunting and distracting.”  This surprized me because most of what I read these days about the internet focuses entirely on the newest technologies and what’s becoming outdated.

I really liked Cohen’s and Rosenweig’s point.  I get a headache even beginning to try to keep up with the updated version of this or that and what new i-thing or social networking site just came out.  I agree with them that in the long run, this second’s piece of technology probably doesn’t play a very crucial role in the big picture.  I really like their analogy about the house, saying that hyper-focusing on the internet’s technology when your studying the internet is just like hyperfocussing on what kind of wrench you’ll use on the plumbing when you’re building a house– it’s important to think about a little bit but then you really need to move on to the big picture.

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